Extortion racket of indian security agencies leads to brain drain

One of the reasons why india is the largest exporter of CEOs like google ceo sundar pichai, microsoft ceo satya nadella is because indian security and intelligence agencies are ruthless in running extortion rackets on engineers with good JEE rank who remain in india to steal their resume and get their lazy greedy friends and relatives lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen resume of the engineer who had a good jee rank
For example bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree , 2005 bbm, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, haryana fraud ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena did not answer JEE, have not worked as engineers and have not invested money in domains, yet only toget them lucrative no work, no investment raw/cbi jobs FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, their resume, savings, the relatives and friends of these fraud raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar/naik are hysterically making FAKE SECURITY threat allegations for the last 13 years
The panaji goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employeeROBBER riddhi nayak caro whose FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro, working in goa security agencies has emerged as india;s greatest EXTORTIONISt, with ROBBER riddhi, her fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro hysterically making FAKE allegations so that greedy goan SHAMELESS robber riddhi nayak caro can continue her EDUCATIONAL FRAUD of FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, FINANCIAL FRAUD of faking her resume, savings

When the goa 1989 jee topper, single womn engineer was a penniless 17 year old she was not labelled a security threat, even when she was 30 and had less money, she was not a security threat only when she was 38 and saved money, 5 greedy liar states are falsely labelling the single woman engineer as a security threat without any proof for the last 13 years so that 10-15 frauds from these states can get government jobs faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay

So though the goa 1989 jee topper had a much better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, who is getting more than $200 million annually, the goa 1989 jee topper is making less than a maidservant in india because of the extortion racket of the corrupt liar indian security an intelligence agencies who ensure that she does not get any orders, and are criminally defaming her.
So to avoid being targetted for resume robbery by the indian security, intelligence agencies, engineers with good JEE rank are leaving india to work in USA.

HYIP programs easier way to make a passive income online

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Kindly note that goan CALL GIRL raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan and other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way though indian government agencies, top government employees,indian tech and internet companies are making fake claims since 2010, as part of the government job for sex, bribe racket since

Gurugram’s security agencies run a major EXTORTION RACKET falsely labelling harmless goa 1989 jee topper security threat without proof

Gurugram’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, full time human resources manager at optum, getting a salary of Rs 14-15 lakh, despite being extremely wealthy does not invest money in domains, has no online income at all, does not have a paypal, bank account of her own

Yet Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to defend or help marathi speaking professionals, investors from bombay karnataka like the the goa 1989 jee topper haryana’s greedy corrupt LIAR security agencies running a massive EXTORTION racket to get gurugram top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership, paypal, bank account since 2012 after falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat without any legally valid proof

The goa 1989 jee topper is a harmless single woman engineer who was not labelled a security threat for 21 years in mumbai, she has never visited haryana anytime in her life yet only for RESUME ROBBERY haryana’s greedy corrupt LIAR security agencies running a massive EXTORTION racket so that gurugram’s GREEDIEST cheater raw employee ruchita kinge can get a monthly government salary without investing money in domains, without doing any computer work

Being pathological LIARS, extortionists, to cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, the CORRUPT haryana security agencies are also spreading fake rumors that the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, belong to fraud government employees, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, allegedly puneet who HATE her, though the extortionist haryana officials are aware that government employees HATE the single woman, have never helped her anytime

Due to security agencies extortion racket since 2010, goa 1989 jee topper is making very less money despite working long hours

Engineers with a good JEE rank usually get a good salary especially if they are working hard, only the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer is making very less money because the indian, karnataka government has allowed the Greedy shivalli brahmins and 4 other SHAMELESS LIAR states to extremely aggresssive, shameless in looting goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer to get monthly raw salary for their lazy greedy relative nayanshree and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees FAKING their resume, savings, bank account, domain ownership
Usually the officials/leaders from the state help investors, professionals from the state, in karnataka the mainly shivalli brahmin officials are only interested in promoting their lazy greedy relative like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree and have done deals with greedy goan, gujju,sindhi, haryana, indori officials, government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay who are together criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010 to ruin her reputation so that they can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB HER for the rest of her life without being questioned at all
In a massive government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud allegedly masterminded by the shameless GREEDY LIAR indian tech and internet companies, allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant, taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to help or defend the goa 1989 jee topper, 5 greedy liar states have been encouraged to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper , single woman making completely fake allegations of cheating, black money and security threat without any kind of legally valid proof at all to commit human rights abuses, deny her the income and opportunities which she deserved
The single woman engineer is a harmless private citizen who is mainly at home, and is making very less money after being CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for more than 13 years without any kind of legally valid proof.
Yet showing how ruthless indian tech and internet companies, states like goa, haryana, gujarat, madhya pradesh, karnataka are in looting small online business owners, they are falsely labelling her a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof, for 13 years and then committing banking fraud, government SLAVERY, falsely claiming that her bank account, domains belong to the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends of top government employees to get them monthly government salaries, when these cheater government employees and their associates do not pay any domain expenses, especially domain renewal fees and do not do any computer work at all.

The karnataka government is aware that bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshreee, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband, she does not do any computer work, does not have any online income and does not invest money in domains, yet just because her cheater relatives hathwar, kodancha, working in security agencies are running an extortion racket since 2010, on the goa 1989 jee topper, R&AW/indian government is making fake claims about bengaluru cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm to pay her a monthly salary at the expense of the hardworking goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, who is making a great loss due to the karnataka government slavery since 2013.

Mailboxpark notification are being robbed by the greedy shivalli brahmins who do not have the honesty to legally purchase the domains since 2010, yet falsely claim to own them to get their cheater relative nayanshree, a monthly government salary at the expense of the non-goan bhandari goa 1989 jee topper in a case of financial fraud which the government refuses to end.

Brahmin security agency employees like CHEATER caro, nayak, hathwar, kodancha targetting obc engineers with good JEE rank for criminal defamation, RESUME ROBBERY

Brahmin cheater housewives bengaluru cheater nayanshree, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro extremely ruthless in ROBBING resume, savings of bhandari engineers with good JEE rank
One of the reasons why the obc/bhandari community remains backward is because their corrupt SHAMELESS GREEDY leaders/officials led by goan bhandari FRAUD LIARS CHEATER chodankar, naik are extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING obc/bhandari engineers with a good jee rank to destroy their reputation completely and allowing lazy greedy shameless fraud brahmin housewives who did not answer JEE like Brahmin cheater housewives bengaluru cheater nayanshree, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro get lucrative raw/cbi jobs faking their resume including a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay , savings .
Specifically the brahmin cheater housewives bengaluru cheater nayanshree, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro are extremely ruthless in ROBBING resume, savings of bhandari engineers with good JEE rank with their fraud relatives ROBBER riddhi’s FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro, nayanshree’ relatives CHEATER hathwar, hathwar working in security agencies abusing their powers to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the hardworking single woman engineer to ruin her reputation so that the brahmin CHEATER housewives can fake their resume, savings without being questioned.
Though the engineer is not in goa or karnataka for the last 16 months, the goan, shivalli brahmin officials are closely monitoring the activities of the harmless single woman engineer, and falsely claiming that the brahmin cheater housewives nayanshree,ROBBER riddhi who are only COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husband are doing the computer work, to justify the monthly government salaries these cheater housewives are getting at the expense of the single woman obc engineer, goa 1989 jee topper since 2013
These brahmin housewife cheater government employees are happily married, their husbands are getting very good salaries, have good social status yet indicating the lack of honesty and humanity of high status people, for more than 13 years, these cheater brahmin married couples have relentlessly harassed, hounded, criminally defamed a harmless single woman engineer to rob her resume, get government jobs and are doing everything possible to steal all her retirement savings

GREEDY CHEATER LIAR haryana goverment refuses to acknowledge business expenses when it hysterically makes FAKE security threat

haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge has never paid for domains,GREEDY CHEATER LIAR haryana goverment hysterically makes FAKE security threat allegations to get fraud ruchita a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor

One of the greatest online, financial frauds is how the SHAMELESS LIAR haryana government has got haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge ,full time optum resources manager a monthly raw salary FAKING domain ownership using a combination of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION,SLANDER, CYBERCRIME like the greedy goan government is making FAKE claims about goan CALL GIRL raw employees siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan who do not invest money in domains, do not do computer work

though GREEDY LIAR haryana’s government is aware that haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge has never paid for domains,the CHEATER haryana government hysterically makes FAKE security threatd allegations everytime the domain investing is getting paid a small amount so that haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge can continue with her massive online FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2012
The haryana government like other 4 GREEDY LIAR states are aware that domains are not free, annual domain renewal fees have to be paid to the domain registrar, which haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge does not pay like other domain fraudster raw/cbi employees or their powerful fraud boyfriends especially the brahmin cheaters puneet,j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay

Yet showing how SHAMELESS the haryana government like goa,gujarat and other states is, it refuses to admit that the credit card bill for domain renewals will be far more than the small amount received from the advertising network, and continues its FINANCIAL FRAUD,government SLAVERY racket,human rights abuses since 2012 on the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor while getting haryana’s top FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership which will be either spent or invested in haryana

Harmless goa 1989 jee topper falsely labelled a security threat without any proof, to steal her resume, data , correspondence since 2010

One of the best examples of the atrocities on marathi speaking bhandari professionals/investors from north karnataka is how the harmless goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer is falsely labelled a security threat without any proof, to steal her resume, data , correspondence without a legally valid reason since 2010.
The single woman engineer lived in mumbai for nearly 21 years without any problem,no one cared when she was a penniless student or was in her twenties with very less savings.
only in 2010 when other states found that she was making some money, they falsely labelled her a security threat without any legally valid proof, to subject her to horrific human rights abuses, steal her savings, correspondence, data in a case of government SLAVERY
though these 5 liar states goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, gujarat have not found any proof against the single woman engineer, they continue to make fake allegations without any proof, so that lazy greedy frauds from each state can get no work, no investment government jobs at her expense using the stolen data in a clear case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD .

Security agencies fail to answer why their favorite goan CALL GIRL raw employee siddhi mandrekar has not purchased domains since 2012

In one of the greatest sex trade deals in india the security agency employees have given their favorite goan CALL GIRL raw employee siddhi mandrekar great powers
monthly government salary falsely claiming that goan CALL GIRL siddhi mandrekar who has never invested any money in domains, is a domain investor, online expert.
To cover up their SEX TRADE DEAL, FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD the shameless scammer security agencies led by scammer siddhi’s shameless scammer relatives mandrekar, nayak are falsely labelling the real domain investor, a harmless single woman engineer, a security threat without any proof, to deny her her fundamental rights, especially the right to privacy , right to a fair living
the scammer security agencies rewarding shameless scammer slander sex specialist raw employee siddhi mandrekar with great powers, especially diverting all the correspondence of the harmless single woman engineer to their shameless sex queen siddhi , who is running an extortion racket while isolating the single woman engineer completely in another case of human rights abuses
The domains are always available for sale, the well paid goan call girl raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan are not interested in purchasing the domains, yet with the help of the LIAR SEX BRIBE TAKING security agency employees continue to fake domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Showing their complete lack of corporate ethics, humanity, google, tata are allegedly the greatest supporters of goan call girl raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan,nikhil, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and other domain fraudster raw/cbi employees so this fraud continues since 2010

Due to security agencies DOMAIN ownership, financial FRAUD, domain investor is getting low priced offers

Though all the tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are supporting her, one of the greatest online, banking FRAUDSTERS in india is the panaji GREEDY goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER cbi employee riddhi nayak caro , whose SHAMELESS SCAMMER FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro are holding top positions in the goan security agencies
Though panaji GREEDY goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER cbi employee riddhi nayak caro only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband crooked cheater caro like goan bhandari scammer raw employee call girl sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani has largely lived in goa all her life, has never invested money in domains, and has no online income,due to the fraud of indian tech, internet companies led by google, tata the shameless scammer robbber riddhi nayak caro has got a government for FAKING ownership including this one which legally belong to a single woman engineer who GREEDY ROBBER LIAR riddhi hates, SLANDERS, ROBS
In addition to SLANDERING the real domain investor, a hardworking single woman engineer , goa’s greatest FRAUD GREEDY ROBBER LIAR riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater are spreading FALSE RUMORS that this and other domains of the single woman engineer belong to government employees, especially her fraud btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay like puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, who actually HATE the single woman engineer, have never helped her at all
Due to google, tata, indian tech,internet sector’s support for cbi employee goa’s greatest FRAUD GREEDY ROBBER LIAR riddhi nayak caro , a SHAMELESS SCAMMER with no self respect, ROBBER riddhi continues with her massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD and the domain investor is not able to sell the domain despite paying the annual domain renewal fees of $4500 or more
Due to cbi employe goa’s greatest gsb FRAUD housewife GREEDY ROBBER LIAR riddhi nayak caro’s ONLINE, BANKING FRAUD the real domain investor is making very less money and so she got a low offer of Rs 4222 for this domain when actually it is worth far more
So this is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that indian tech, internet companies, google tata employees are pathological LIARS DUPING companies, countries and people with fake stories of domain ownership when raw/cbi employees like goa’s greatest gsb FRAUD housewife GREEDY ROBBER LIAR riddhi nayak caro have never invested any money in domains, despite getting monthly government salaries for FAKING domain ownership since 2010

Jacket wearing Young woman exploits weakness of security agencies to steal chocolate from Dmart

Reddit is interesting because people openly boast about their crimes and those of their friends, For example one reddit post below
Anyone have stolen anything from D mart or any other supermarket???
Rant / Vent
Today my friend was flexing that she stole a huge chocolate bar from d mart . She hide that bar under her jacket. I was so surprised.

One of the comments showed that supermarts are very strict about security because of these thefts
This are the people jinke waja se we have to zip lock our purse and deposit our bags before entering super marts, and feel like a criminal for no reason.
The sole reason, ab man nahi lagta big bazar, vishal, d mart, more Jane ko

Increasingly good looking young women wearing jackets are committing crimes like stealing chocolates, boasting about their theft and the security staff will falsely accuse older ugly women wearing indian/ethnic clothes because of their prejudice against ugly women . So this is the reason the domain investor does not visit dmart or other supermarkets, though the price is better, because the security agencies will falsely accuse her, for crimes committed by good looking jacket wearing young women