The government agencies are directly responsible for the website content, since they are openly involved in government SLAVERY in the indian internet sector since 2010, refusing to acknowledge the time spent by hardworking citizens doing writing work, managing websites, instead falsely giving credit and getting government salaries for their relatives and bribe givers like their favorite sindhi scammer student karan premchandani who do not spend any time doing computer work.
In all other sectors, like the construction, hospitality sector, workers who are spending their time are paid by the contractors or others hiring them, the rate is usually Rs 600-800 per day for non-skilled workers
These workers cannot read or write in english yet the contractor will pay them, since they are spending their time, doing the work
In contrast showing the extreme greed, DISHONESTY of the indian tech and internet companies, the government refuse to acknowledge the time spent by a hardworking single woman writing,managing websites and are falsely giving credit and salaries to the friends and relatives of top government officials like puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh who do not spend any time writing, do not invest money in domains
For example the bribe taking security agencies are making fake claims about their their favorite sindhi scammer student karan premchandani,falsely claiming that he owns the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, who he HATES, criminally defames in the worst manner,and is not on talking terms with.
The sindhi scammer karan premchandani does no writing work at all, yet because he and fraud xerox shop owning father are offering massive BRIBES to security agencies, especially in goa, he is getting a government salary for faking writing work. The domain investor being CHEATED, EXPLOITED would like to ask the security agencies, why their favorite sindhi scammer student karan premchandani does not open his own paypal, bank account, why he is allowed to falsely claim ownership of the iwriter account of a hadworking single woman writer, spending her time daily writing
Till the security agencies continue their government slavery in the indian internet sector, the single woman writer will continue protesting till writers have the same rights as workers in other sectors, the government recognizes the time they spend writing and stops giving frauds credit, salaries
Security agencies fail to explain why single woman engineers correspondence is diverted to goan frauds riddhi, siddhi mandrekar without a legally valid reason
Due to correspondence theft as part of the identity theft racket, no one can contact the domain investor since 2010 so she is isolated completely
Engineers correspondence ROBBED since 2010, to isolate her completely, and then government agencies comment on the lack of network
The security agencies are complaining that the single woman engineer does not have a network, yet the fact is that all the correspondence of the single woman engineer has been diverted to the lazy greedy goan frauds like siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, who hate her, criminally defame her in the worst manner to isolate her completely, so that no one can contact her using any method, except personal contact
So before commenting on the lack of network, the security agencies should explain why the correspondence of the single woman engineer alone is diverted to goan frauds riddhi, siddhi mandrekar without a legally valid reason since 2010, denying her fundamental rights and isolating her completely
This correspondence theft is adversely affecting the personal and professional life of the single woman engineer in the worst manner, she cannot make new friends, meet other paypal account holders, domain investors
Due to massive EXTORTION RACKET in indian internet sector by security agencies,Skilled construction workers making far more than skilled webmasters,writers
Due to the massive SKILLS,FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET in the indian internet sector,skilled webmasters, writers, domain investors make far less than skilled construction workers
In every sector, skilled workers are making far more than workers who are not skilled
Only in the indian internet sector, top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are supporting the security agencies in running one of the biggest EXTORTION RACKETS to get their unskilled lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends and bribe givers monthly government salary faking domain ownership, online income
The domain investor, online publisher is a harmless private citizen, who is not involved in any illegal activity, yet allegedly bribed by top indian tech and internet companies security agency employees led by nayak,mandrekar, caro, patel, kodancha, hathwar, pritesh chodankar are running one of the greatest EXTORTION RACKETS in the world falsely labelling the harmless domain investor, a security threat without any proof at all, so that they can commit massive human rights abuses, financial fraud on the domain investor, to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends and bribe givers monthly government salaries FAKING bank account, online income and domain ownership
The domains are always available for sale, yet the greedy top indian tech,internet companies, security agencies are are ruthless in their financial fraud cheating, exploiting, hardworking small business owners,refusing to legally purchase the domain names since 2010 abusing their powers to dupe companies, countries and people with their lies to get all their lazy greedy fraud relatives like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, monthly government salaries FAKING domain ownership, online income at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied a life of dignity and also her fundamental rights
A skilled construction worker like a mason is paid between Rs 1200 – 1500 per day for working from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm or approximately Rs 45000 per month with no expenses, if he works for 30 days. Yet due to the massive financial, online fraud, the government is falsely claiming that government employees greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan and others , who like their fraud boyfriends mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan have not paid any money for domains, own the domains of a private citizen to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, skilled webmaster and writer
The government agencies are falsely claiming that their employees are skilled webmasters, writers to justify the monthly government salary being paid when they have no online, writing income, indicating a massive financial fraud, wastage of indian tax payer money, while the skilled webmaster, writer is criminally defamed in the worst manner as an idle person with no skills. indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata have been falsely claiming that cheater housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband are doing computer work, when surveillance, bank records proves that they are not doing any computer work.
Anyone complaining about extortion racket of security agencies, is falsely labelled a security threat, their mental health questioned